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International Journal of Speech Technology

The International Journal of Speech Technology is "a research journal that focuses on speech technology and its applications. It promotes research and description on all aspects of speech input and output, including theory, experiment, testing, base technology, applications."

The International Journal of Speech Technology is sponsored by the Applied Voice Input/Output Society (AVIOS), http://www.avios.com/.

Type: Journal
Periodicity: Quarterly
Web: http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/1381-2416
Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers
Price: 2003, Volume 6
Print or Online: EUR 308 / USD 339
Print and Online: Add 20%
Alternatively included in AVIOS membership (USD 100).
2000, Volume 4
Institutional: NLG 575 / USD 274
Individual: NLG 240 / USD 132
