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Revue d'Interaction Homme-Machine (RIHM) (Journal of Human-Machine Interaction)

The Revue d'Interaction Homme-Machine (RIHM) (Journal of Human-Machine Interaction) is the journal of the Association Francophone d'Interaction Homme-Machine (AFIHM) (French-speaking Association for Human-Machine Interaction).

Type: Journal
Periodicity: Biannually
Web: http://www.limsi.fr/rihm/
Publisher: Europia Productions, 15, avenue of Ségur, 75007 Paris, France
Price: Volume 1
AFIHM Members: FRF 300 (France), FRF 400 (Elsewhere)
Individual: FRF 400 (France), FRF 500 (Elsewhere)
Institutional: FRF 500 (France), FRF 600 (Elsewhere)
