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International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IJHCI)

"The International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction addresses the cognitive, social, health, and ergonomic aspects of work with computers and emphasizes both the human and computer science aspects of the effective design and use of computer interactive systems. The Journal presents original research both in the generic aspects of interface design and in the special application of interface design in a variety of diversified leisure and work activities."

Type: Journal
Periodicity: Quarterly since 1989
Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
(until 1996 published by Ablex Publishing)
Price: Volume 15&16, 2003, 6 Issues
Individual: USD 90 (US), USD 135 (Elsewhere) (Print and Online)
USD 535 (US), USD 580 (Elsewhere) (Print only)
USD 535 (Online only)
USD 595 (US), USD 640 (Elsewhere) (Print and Online)

Special issues include:

  • 2002, 14, 3&4 - Designing the Total User Experience at IBM
  • 2000, 12, 2 - Empirical Studies of WWW Usability
